Kevin Charlie Kevin Charlie

Unlock Cosmic Transformation: 10 Tips for Lion’s Gate Portal Energy

Greetings, everyone, and welcome to our blog if this is your first time here, and welcome back if you’ve been here before! I'm thrilled to have you join us today as we delve into a topic that holds the potential to uplift and transform – the Lion's Gate Portal energy. This cosmic annual event that happens around August 8th and brings with it a wave of opportunities for growth and positive change. So, let's embark on a journey together to discover how we can harness this energy to its fullest potential.

Read on for our top 10 tips to keep you on track during the cosmic energies of this time.

Tip 1: Reflect 

So, first things first. Take a chill moment for yourself. Find a comfy spot, maybe with your favorite cozy blanket. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and let your mind wander. Reflect on where you're at in life – your joys, challenges, and dreams. Where do you wanna go from here? What's holding you back? It's like a mini heart-to-heart with your inner GPS.

Tip 2: Set Intentions

Now that you've got a handle on where you're headed, let's set some intentions. Think of these like mini power wishes – things you really, really wanna see happen. Grab your journal and jot down your intentions. Maybe it's about personal growth – like becoming more confident or learning a new skill. Or maybe it's about healing, finding love, or spreading kindness. These intentions are your cosmic road map to awesome.

Tip 3: Meditation and Mindfulness

Time to zen out, my friends. Find a comfy seat or lie down – whatever floats your cosmic boat. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in... and out. Now, let your thoughts drift away like fluffy clouds. Dive into a quick visualization – imagine your intentions blooming like beautiful cosmic flowers. Or practice breathwork – inhale the good vibes, exhale any worries. And for an extra dose of cosmic coolness, explore sound healing. Put on some calming music or try a sound bath with singing bowls. You're officially a cosmic meditation pro!

Tip 4: Affirmations

Boost your positivity with a little mantra magic. These are like your secret cheerleaders, giving you a cosmic confidence boost. Repeat affirmations like "I am worthy," "I am strong," or "I am open to abundance." Write 'em on sticky notes and plaster them around your space. Heck, say them out loud while brushing your teeth – cosmic multitasking at its finest! Check out our 50 Affirmation Challenge playlist on YouTube for some extra inspiration and explanations or listen to Crystal Bowls and 50 Affirmations for a Positive Mindset!

Tip 5: Nature Connection

Hey, nature lover! Time to channel your inner forest explorer. Head outside and soak up those outdoor vibes. Find a quiet spot in a park, by a lake, or even your backyard. Feel the breeze on your skin, listen to the birds sing, and let the Earth's energy flow through you. You're one with the cosmos now, my friend. Can’t get outside or need a nature fix in the middle of the night? Go virtually with our nature videos in our Forest playlist.

Tip 6: Sound Healing

Ever had a sound bath? Get ready to be mind-blown. Light some candles, grab your comfiest blanket, and pop on some calming tunes – think singing bowls, nature sounds, or peaceful melodies. Close your eyes and let the soothing sounds wash over you. It's like a cosmic massage for your soul!

Tip 7: Journaling

Grab a journal and let's pour out those thoughts. Write down your intentions, and hey, spill the beans on your dreams, too. Track your progress – jot down those cosmic "aha" moments when you feel like you've cracked the code of the universe. Write with abandon, and remember, this is your cosmic diary of awesome.

Tip 8: Gratitude Practice

Time for some gratitude vibes! Grab a notebook – any ol' notebook will do – and jot down a few things you're thankful for. It could be as simple as your morning coffee or the cozy socks warming your feet. By practicing gratitude, you're giving the universe a cosmic high-five for all the amazing stuff in your life.

Tip 9: Visualization

Picture it: You're totally owning your intentions. Close your eyes and see yourself living your dreams. Visualize your goals like they're already happening – feel the joy, the success, the cosmic vibes. It's like creating a cosmic vision board right in your mind. 

Tip 10: Release

Now, let's do some cosmic decluttering. Time to release any old junk that's weighing you down. Find a quiet space and take a deep breath. Imagine all those worries, fears, and limiting beliefs turning into cosmic stardust. Exhale and let it all go. You're making room for cosmic magic, my friend.

BONUS TIP: Celebrate!

And here's a bonus just for you – celebrate your wins, no matter how small. Treat yourself to a cosmic dance party, whip up a cosmic smoothie, or simply do a little happy dance. Life's a journey, and each step is a cosmic victory worth celebrating.

Next Steps

 Alright, cosmic explorers, you've got your cosmic toolkit – 10 tips (and a bonus) to make the most of the Lion's Gate Portal energy. So, go ahead and dive into these simple steps, and let the cosmic vibes guide you toward amazing transformation. Thanks for hanging out, and catch you in the next cosmic adventure!

Psst… Remember that these tips can be used at any time when you feel like you need some guidance. These tips help you sort your thoughts and make constructive decisions that help move you forward in life.

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Kevin Charlie Kevin Charlie

Music Therapists vs Sound Healers: What’s the Difference?

Beautiful sunset showing colours of pinks, blues and purples. viewpoint is from a beach looking onto an ocean or lake. there is implied movement in the photo and you could almost hear the soothing sound of each wave.

When it comes to alternative therapies, two practices that often get confused with each other are music therapy and sound healing. While both use music as a tool for promoting well-being and relaxation, there are important differences between the two practices that are worth exploring.

What is Music Therapy?

Music therapy is a clinical practice that uses music to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. Music therapists are trained professionals who have completed an accredited music therapy program and hold a certification from a governing board.

In music therapy sessions, the therapist uses music interventions that are tailored to the client's individual needs and goals. These interventions may include playing, singing, moving to, or listening to music, and may be used to achieve specific therapeutic goals, such as improving motor skills, reducing anxiety or depression, enhancing communication skills, promoting relaxation, or increasing social engagement.

Music therapy can be used with individuals of all ages and abilities, and has been shown to be effective in a wide range of clinical settings, including hospitals, schools, mental health clinics, and nursing homes.

person lying down listening to music

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is a holistic practice that uses sound frequencies to promote relaxation, balance, and harmony. Sound healers use various tools, such as singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks, to create sound vibrations that are believed to resonate with the body and promote healing.

Sound healing sessions may involve listening to or feeling the vibrations of sound, and are typically focused on promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Sound healers may also incorporate meditation, visualization, or other holistic practices into their sessions such as Reiki, yoga, art therapy, aromatherapy, crystal healing and others.

While there is limited scientific research on the effectiveness of sound healing, many people report feeling more relaxed and balanced after participating in sound healing sessions which has an overall positive effect on your body.

Key Differences Between Music Therapy and Sound Healing

While both music therapy and sound healing use music as a tool for promoting well-being, there are important differences between the two practices:

  • Music therapy is a clinical practice that is conducted by trained professionals with specific therapeutic goals in mind.

  • Sound healing is a holistic practice that is typically focused on promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

  • Music therapy interventions are tailored to the individual needs and goals of the client, and are based on established clinical practices and research.

  • Sound healing interventions are typically based on anecdotal evidence and personal experience.

  • Music therapy is typically conducted in clinical settings, such as hospitals, schools, or mental health clinics, and is often covered by insurance.

  • Sound healing is often conducted in wellness centers or private settings, and is typically not covered by insurance.

Which is Right for You?

The choice between music therapy and sound healing will depend on your individual needs and goals. If you have specific therapeutic goals related to physical, emotional, cognitive, or social needs, music therapy may be the more appropriate choice. If you are seeking a more general approach to relaxation and balance, sound healing may be the more appropriate choice.

It's important to note that both music therapy and sound healing can be helpful complements to traditional healthcare practices, but are not substitutes for professional medical or mental health care. If you have any concerns about your health or well-being, it's important to seek the advice of your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional.

While music therapy and sound healing are often confused with each other, they are distinct practices with different goals and approaches. By understanding the differences between the two practices, you can make an informed choice about which approach is right for you.

Experience the Benefits of Sound Healing with Natural Ambience

Natural Ambience is a sound healing practice that combines the natural sounds of nature with the soothing tones of sound healing instruments. By utilizing the healing power of both nature and sound, Natural Ambience creates a relaxing environment that can help individuals achieve a greater sense of well-being.

The combination of natural sounds, such as waves crashing or birds chirping, and the vibrational frequencies of instruments like crystal singing bowls, gongs, chimes, and flutes, can help to reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and support overall health and wellness.

Clicking the image above will take you to our Forest Playlist on Youtube where we combine sound healing instruments within natural settings. Explore the many other videos on our channel too; and please remember to subscribe, like and share if you find them useful. From guided meditations, solo sound healing instruments and complete sound baths to assist you find your own natural ambience.

Join the Natural Ambience Community

If you are interested in exploring the benefits of sound healing, Natural Ambience offers a variety of services. Please subscribe to our Newsletter to learn more.

By joining the Natural Ambience community, you can experience the healing power of sound and nature, and discover a greater sense of peace and well-being in your life. We have an ever growing number of resources available.

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Kevin Charlie Kevin Charlie

Simple Sound Healing Practices for Overwhelmed Beginners

Are you feeling overwhelmed with life? Do you find yourself constantly stressed and anxious? If so, incorporating sound healing practices into your daily routine may be just what you need to promote relaxation and reduce stress. #soundhealing #beginner #stressreduction #anxietyhelp

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try Sound Healing

If you're feeling overwhelmed with life, you're not alone. Many people struggle with stress, anxiety, and the feeling of being constantly busy. But did you know that sound healing practices can help you feel more centered, calm, and grounded? In this post, we'll introduce you to some simple sound healing techniques that you can incorporate into your everyday life.

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is a practice that uses sound and vibration to promote healing and relaxation. The use of sound has been used for thousands of years in various cultures, from Tibetan singing bowls to Aboriginal didgeridoos. Modern science has also shown that sound healing can have a positive impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Sound healing works by using specific tones and frequencies to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. These vibrations can penetrate deep into the body and help to release tension and promote relaxation. Research has shown that sound healing can lower heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Simple Sound Healing Practices

Now that you know a little bit about sound healing, let's dive into some simple practices that you can incorporate into your daily routine.

  • Listen to nature sounds: Spending time in nature can be incredibly healing, but if you're unable to get outside, try listening to nature sounds such as rain or a babbling brook. Research has shown that nature sounds can reduce stress and anxiety.

One study found that listening to nature sounds for just 15 minutes per day for seven consecutive days significantly decreased the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, in participants' saliva. Another study found that listening to nature sounds can improve cognitive performance and mood.

  • Humming: Humming is a simple yet effective way to calm the mind and body. Research has shown that humming can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

Humming is also a great way to improve your breathing and release tension in your face and neck. To try this technique, simply sit or stand comfortably and hum a long, sustained note. You can experiment with different pitches and tones until you find the one that feels most soothing to you.

  • Singing: Singing can also be a great way to promote relaxation and release tension. Research has shown that singing can increase endorphins, which are the body's natural feel-good chemicals.

Singing can also improve lung function and strengthen the immune system. You don't need to be a good singer to enjoy the benefits of this practice - simply sing along to your favorite songs or try a guided singing meditation.

  • Listening to music: Listening to calming music can be a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that listening to music can lower cortisol levels, which is a hormone that is associated with stress.

One study found that listening to just 30 minutes of classical music per day for four weeks significantly decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety in participants. To try this technique, create a calming playlist of your favorite songs or explore different genres of relaxing music.

  • Mindful breathing: Finally, mindful breathing can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Try taking deep, slow breaths while focusing on the sound of your breath moving in and out of your body.

Mindful breathing can help to lower heart rate and blood pressure, improve digestion, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. To try this technique, find a quiet, comfortable space and sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body.


Making Sound Healing Practices a Regular Part of Your Routine

Now that you've learned about some simple sound healing practices, it's important to find ways to incorporate them into your daily routine. Here are some tips for making sound healing a regular part of your life:

  1. Set aside time: Choose a specific time each day to practice sound healing. It can be in the morning, before bed, or during a break in your workday. Setting aside a specific time will help you make it a habit.

  2. Start small: Don't try to incorporate all of these practices into your routine at once. Start with one or two that resonate with you and gradually add more as you become comfortable.

  3. Create a comfortable space: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can practice your sound healing techniques without interruption. This could be a dedicated meditation space or simply a quiet corner of your home.

  4. Use tools: Consider using tools such as singing bowls, chimes, or guided meditations to enhance your sound healing practice. These tools can help to deepen your relaxation and promote a sense of calm.

  5. Be patient: Sound healing is not a quick fix, and it may take some time to notice the benefits. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to enjoy the process.

In conclusion, if you're feeling overwhelmed with life, incorporating sound healing practices into your daily routine can help to promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. Whether you choose to listen to nature sounds, hum, sing, or practice mindful breathing, there are many simple techniques that you can try. By making sound healing a regular part of your routine, you can improve your overall well-being and feel more centered and calm.


Natural Ambience YouTube Channel: We have a growing library of relaxing nature videos on our YouTube channel. We are always adding new content. Please find and subscribe to our channel here:

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astrology Kevin Charlie astrology Kevin Charlie

New Moon in Aquarius

The new moon is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. It is a time to set intentions, make plans and start new projects. The energy of this moon is associated with planting the seeds for the future. Break free from the past and embrace new ideas, new ways of thinking and new ways of living. Be open-minded, think outside of the box and be willing to take risks. What’s holding you back?

New Moon in Aquarius

Guess what today is? Its the new moon in Aquarius!

The new moon is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. It is a time to set intentions, make plans and start new projects.


The energy of this moon is associated with planting the seeds for the future. Break free from the past and embrace new ideas, new ways of thinking and new ways of living.


Be open-minded, think outside of the box and be willing to take risks. What's holding you back?


Continue reading for ways to use journaling to plant the seeds for the future during this new moon energy in Aquarius.


1. Write down your goals: Clearly define what you want to achieve and create a list of specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.


2. Reflect on your values and priorities: Aquarius is associated with personal freedom and individuality, so take some time to think about what's most important to you and make sure your goals align with your values and priorities.


3. Visualize your future: Use your journal to create a mental image of what you want to achieve. Write down the details of your future as if it has already happened, this will help you to focus on the end result.


4. Create an action plan: Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps. Identify the actions you need to take to achieve your goals and create a plan to make them happen.


5. Review and revise: Review your journal regularly, reflect on your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your action plan.


Keep in mind that setting intentions and journaling is a personal practice, it's a tool that may help some people to focus on their aspirations, but it's not the only way to achieve goals or the only factor that will determine if the goals will come true.

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daily reminders Kevin Charlie daily reminders Kevin Charlie

Set a mini goal.

Set a mini goal. Keep moving by putting one foot in front of the other. Don’t look back.

Set a mini goal. Blurred foot signifying movement kicking a soccer ball.

There is always beauty around us at any given moment; you just need to notice and see it. Enjoy the magic of everyday life and look at things with new eyes for the first time again. Become aware of how light is interacting with the environment, shadows, shape and so on. Be mindful and explore.

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daily reminders Kevin Charlie daily reminders Kevin Charlie

When it rains, look for rainbows.

There is always beauty around us at any given moment; you just need to notice and see it. Enjoy the magic of everyday life and look at things with new eyes for the first time again. Become aware of how light is interacting with the environment, shadows, shape and so on. Be mindful and explore.

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daily reminders Kevin Charlie daily reminders Kevin Charlie

What can you celebrate today?

There is always something to celebrate. Don’t save things for ‘that special day’… as today is a special day. Live in the present moment and enjoy life now. Stop waiting for Friday, the weekend, your next summer holiday and start enjoying right now this very moment.

What can you celebrate today? There is always something to celebrate. Stop waiting for the weekend to arrive. Today is the day.

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daily reminders Kevin Charlie daily reminders Kevin Charlie

Time To Clean Up!

Get rid of things in your life that are o longer serving you and make way for the new things coming into your life. We’re talking more than just physically cleaning up your space. Sometimes you need to go deeper and look inside to see what you can clean up spiritually and beliefs that are no longer serving you.

Get rid of things in your life that are o longer serving you and make way for the new things coming into your life. We’re talking more than just physically cleaning up your space. Sometimes you need to go deeper and look inside to see what you can clean up spiritually and beliefs that are no longer serving you. The last couple of years have opened up a lot of eyes to what is going on and each and every single one of us have an opportunity to raise our vibration and share love and compassion with one another as we are all connected to one and everything.

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daily reminders Kevin Charlie daily reminders Kevin Charlie

You Are in Control!

Two things you are in total control of in your life are attitude and your effort. There is always a choice in every situation in how you react or rather respond to something. Your attitude and how you feel inside is completely up to you. You are in control.

Woman facing a canola field of yellow flowers with a blue sky and white clouds. She is wearing a long sleeved black shirt with a red scarf and grey jeans. shoulder length blonde hair.

Two things you are in total control of in your life are attitude and your effort. There is always a choice in every situation in how you react or rather respond to something. Your attitude and how you feel inside is completely up to you. You are in control.

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Kevin Charlie Kevin Charlie

Hello December

It’s that time of the month again for some free desktop and mobile wallpapers! Click through to grab yours with either a Monday or Sunday start to the week!

Hello December! It’s ‘snow’ nice to see you again and we are certainly looking forward to what this month will bring! We have many beautiful videos coming up after our little break in November.

Jump down below as we have a free download for the month of December for you at the end of this post.

While it is always nice to look ahead, plan and anticipate things in the future - it is important to remain in the present moment. All we have is right now. Here and now is all that matters. Yesterday is over and long gone. Forget about it. Stop thinking about all the things you did or didn’t do, said or didn’t say. It doesn’t matter now. Yesterday is over.

Tomorrow will never come, so stop worrying about it and getting anxious over things that have not happened yet. All you need to worry about is right now, this present moment, in all that you do.

Breathe. Everything will be ok. Get to a place where you experience joy, thankfulness, gratitude, satisfaction, happiness and contentment all the time in your life. Stop with the worrying, anxiety, fear, hate and petty nonsense you put yourself through - it is not worth it. Start by loving and respecting yourself more. Look within and you will find it. Being in nature certainly helps and December is going to be great!

As always, thank you for your support in what we do. Peace, Love and Gratitude.

Welcome December

We love to stay organized and of course beautiful imagery helps. We’ve created these desktop backgrounds and wallpapers for you to use. We personally like our weeks to start on a Monday, though we know some of you just can’t stand that, so we have a Sunday start as well. Quite honestly - what ever day of the week it is, we are truly thankful for each one.

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Kevin Charlie Kevin Charlie

Hello World

Hooray! Our very first blog post and we’re going to keep it short and sweet to basically say “Hello World!”. Come join us on this journey!

Hooray! Our very first blog post and we’re going to keep it short and sweet to basically say “Hello World!”

Hello Internets! Hello Nature Lover! Hello World! Hello You! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your time with us - we appreciate it! :)

Natural Ambience was originally created as a way to share nature videos and the ‘natural ambience’ of the environments so that people could virtually connect to nature when physically not possible to be in nature. Positive benefits to your well-being can be experienced when connecting to nature - even digitally. We also look forward to sharing more of what we have learned and experienced from being in nature ourselves, and the positive benefits of being in harmony with nature that it can bring into our lives.

Our YouTube video library continues to grow and we love the opportunity to share these amazing experiences and moments in time with you. Perfect for finding a quiet place in nature when you want to meditate, reflect, fall asleep or just enjoy the natural beauty and background ambience of the environment.

We want to connect more people to nature. At the time of writing this we are currently working on some exciting new products that we are looking forward to sharing with you. Items that can help you be more productive and mindful, grateful and thankful and even guide you by connecting with your own inner wisdom through our very own oracle cards.

We have also started a ‘tile project’ to help spread kindness, positivity and thoughtful reflections as the world needs this so ever greatly right now.

We’re just getting started and are so excited to see where this journey leads. We are all connected to everything as one. Respect nature. Respect all things. Love always wins. With love and gratitude, we thank you.

This beautiful - somewhat unknown spot - on the shores of Lake Ontario at Lynde Shores Conservation Area is a wonderful place to reflect and allow the sound of the waves carry your worries away. We have watched many sunrises here and love this little spot.

Did you know that there is growing science that suggests experiencing nature digitally could provide psychological and physiological benefits comparable to the real thing!

Grab your headphones and check out our growing video collection for some great nature videos!

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